Tohoku University Seiryo Auditorium, Sendai, Japan
Tohoku University is located in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Tohoku University is located in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Campus Wi-Fi Service “eduroam” is available in Seiryo Auditorium. We strongly recommend you get your ID and password in your university/institute in advance.
Access to Sendai

Route from Narita Airport
Airplane via Sendai Airport (Recommended)
- Total Cost --- approx. 15,000 yen
- Total Time --- approx. 2 hours
(1) Take a flight from Narita Airport to Sendai Airport. It takes around one hour. There are three flights every day.
(2) Then, take an airport train from Sendai Airport to JR Sendai Station. It takes 17-25 minutes to Sendai Station.
Tickets can be bought at Sendai Airport Station.
Train via Tokyo Station
- Total Cost --- 13,670 yen
- Total Time --- approx. 3 - 4 hours
(1) Take a JR Line Narita Express from JR Narita Airport Station to JR Tokyo Station (time: 1 hour).
(2) Then, take a Tohoku Shinkansen (Super Express) from JR Tokyo Station to JR Sendai Station (time: 1h30min-2h).
All of the tickets can be bought at JR Narita Airport Station.
Train via Ueno Station
- Total Cost --- approx. 13,460 yen (if you use Keisei Sky Liner)
- Total Time --- approx. 3 - 4 hours
(1) Take a Keisei Line from Keisei Narita Airport Station to Keisei Ueno Station. You can use either Sky Linear (time: 44min, cost: 2,470yen) or Limited Express (time: 78min, cost: 1,030yen). Tickets can be bought at Keisei Narita Airport Station.
(2) Walk from Keisei Ueno Station to JR Ueno Station. It takes around 5 minutes.
(3) Then, take a Tohoku Shinkansen (Super Express) from JR Ueno Station to JR Sendai Station (time: 1h30min -- 2h).
Tickets can be bought at JR Ueno Station
Route from Haneda Airport
Train via Tokyo Station
- Total Cost --- 12,900 yen
- Total Time --- approx. 3 - 4 hours
(1) Take Tokyo Monorail from Haneda Airport international Terminal Station to Hamamatsucho Station (time: 13 min).
(2) Transfer to JR Yamanote line to JR Tokyo station (time: 7min).
(3) Then, take a Tohoku Shinkansen (Super Express) from JR Tokyo Station to JR Sendai Station (time: 1h40min -- 2h20min).
All of the tickets can be bought at JR East Travel Service Center in Haneda Airport international Terminal.
- Narita Airport - Haneda Airport - Sendai Airport - JR Line Narita Express - Keisei Line - Tokyo Monorail - JR Tohoku Shinkansen
Map & Directions
Seiryo Campus, Tohoku University
2-1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba, Sendai 980-8575, Japan
2-1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba, Sendai 980-8575, Japan

By taxi:
15 min from Sendai StationBy bus:
Catch a bus from platform 10 at the west entrance in front of Sendai Station.bound for the"Tohoku Daigaku Byoin Mae"
get off at "Tohoku Daigaku Byoin Mae"
Approx. a 20 min ride
By subway NAMBOKU Line:
Three stops from Sendai station,get off at “Kita-yobancyo” then walk 15 min